Simplify permitting and inspections
Conveniently manage all your permitting applications, from inspection to payment

After initial agency review, automatically send plans to supervisors for approvals and next steps. On the citizen side, send project leads automatic notifications regarding submittals and, where appropriate, approval requests.
Link records across departments, from licensing to finance and public works. Enable applicants to complete permitting requirements for each agency in one platform, with one account.
Our permitting solution is intuitive and can be implemented in days or weeks.
Managers and directors can filter data by any criteria to generate customized reports on permit applications.
Gather insights with a 360° view of key metrics, from the number of permits by type to application processing times and payments.
Notify citizens automatically when they submit applications, are missing documents, or are scheduled for inspections. Easily send and receive personalized follow-ups as well.
View application histories and review steps with a searchable, organized audit trail.